Radio Frequency (RF)

Heats the meibomian glands to liquify the blockages while also stimulating collagen production, skin tightening, reduction of fine lines and wrinkles and tightening of loose conjunctival tissue (conjunctival chalasis).

Radio-frequency skin tightening is an aesthetic technique that uses radio frequency (RF) energy to heat skin with the purpose of stimulating cutaneous collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid production in order to reduce the appearance of fine lines and loose skin. The technique induces tissue remodeling and production of new collagen and elastin. The process provides an alternative to facelift and other cosmetic surgeries.

By manipulating skin cooling during treatment, RF can also be used for heating and reduction of fat. Currently, the most common uses of RF-based devices are to noninvasively manage and treat skin tightening of lax skin (including sagging jowls, abdomen, thighs, and arms), as well as wrinkle reduction, cellulite improvement, and body contouring.

RF restrictions:
• RF is not advisable for pregnant women.
• Taking collagen injections, certain medicines that increase photosensitivity, vitamin A, RetinA, or glycolic acid, doxycycline, ibuprofen, and aspirin can also affect your eligibility for RF treatment.

How to prepare for RF treatment (Before your scheduled treatment session…):
• Avoid too much sun exposure.
• Avoid swimming in strongly chlorinated water before your treatment.
• Don’t use exfoliating or peeling products for a week before your appointment.
• Remove all makeup and other skin products.
• Wait 2 weeks after Botox or filler injections before having RF.
• Remove underwire bras before RF treatment.

RF aftercare (After you undergo an treatment session…):
• Enjoy your “uptime” as your skin will appear refreshed and tightened immediately after.
• Make sure you use “clean” moisturizer if applying makeup after the treatment.
• Use “clean” sunscreen when going outdoors.


Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment is a skin treatment that improves dry eyes.

For example, people who had IPL treatment for Rosacea found their dry eyes were significantly improved.

IPL treatment has been used by Dermatologists for over twenty years. IPL treatment involves flashes of light to the skin around the eyelids and face usually for cosmetic effects of evening the skin tone and reducing the appearance of abnormal vessels.
Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) is the leading cause of dry eye attributing to over 86% of cases.

MGD occurs when the oils in the meibomian glands become hardened (often due to staph bacteria, Demodex mites, cosmetics, medical conditions, age, etc.)

With IPL, the light gets absorbed by the mitochondria of the Meibomian Glands. This helps to switch on the Glands. They become ‘younger’ and more active. The Glands produce better Meibomian Oil and improve dry eyes. IPL also kills bacteria and Demodex on the surface of the eyelids which are often a root cause of MGD.

IPL also helps target Ocular Rosacea. Flashes get absorbed in the small, leaky abnormal capillaries in Ocular Rosacea. IPL helps to ‘seal off’ these leaky vessels. The result is less inflammation and redness.

A package of 4 treatments 3-4 weeks apart is recommended. Maintenance Treatments may also be indicated depending on the severity of MGD.


Is intense pulsed light the same as laser?
IPL utilizes broader range wavelengths of intense light, unlike laser treatment that operates on a narrower, specific wavelength, making IPL safer and gentler than laser.

Does IPL for dry eyes hurt?
You may experience some redness and a little discomfort in the treated areas, but they are mild and will only last for a few minutes or hours after the session.

IPL restrictions:
• IPL is not advisable for pregnant women.
• IPL should be used with discretion if you have very dark skin (skin phototype VI). Darker skin pigment tends to absorb light.
• You can’t undergo the treatment if you have birthmarks, moles, keloid scarring or tattoo near your eyelid areas and if you have a recent fake tan.
• Conditions like xeroderma and lupus disease may also prevent you from undergoing IPL treatment.
• Taking collagen injections, certain medicines that increase photosensitivity, vitamin A, RetinA, or glycolic acid, doxycycline, ibuprofen, and aspirin can also affect your eligibility for IPL treatment.

How to prepare for IPL treatment (Before your scheduled IPL treatment session…):
• Avoid too much sun exposure.
• Do not expose your skin to UV light and artificial tan (sprays, lotions, gels, etc.) before and in between your IPL sessions.
• Avoid swimming in strongly chlorinated water before your treatment.
• Don’t use exfoliating or peeling products for a week before your appointment.
• Avoid intake of aspirin or ibuprofen for a week before your scheduled session. Inform your doctor if you are taking medications beforehand.
• Remove all makeup and other skin products.
• Keep the area to be treated clean and dry.

IPL aftercare (After you undergo an IPL treatment session…):
• Avoid too much sun exposure to reduce chances of dark and light spots formation on the treated area.
• Apply sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher on the treated area.
• Do not expose the treated area to UV light.
• Do not pick on the treated area.
• Avoid hot baths, showers, or sauna for a week. Humid conditions can aggravate the treated area.
• Make sure you use “clean” moisturizer if applying makeup after the treatment.


Photobiomodulation heats the hardened oils in the meibomian glands while stimulating production of collagen and elastin. Red light is absorbed by mitochondria (the power generator of the cell) and stimulates ATP production, enhancing its activity. Red light also has an antimicrobial effect. There is no down-time and is approved for all skin types.


BlephEx procedure effectively removes accumulated bacterial biofilm, much like a dental cleaning removes accumulated plaque.

A patented BlephEx® hand piece is used to spin a medical grade micro-sponge precisely and carefully along the edge of your eyelids and lashes, removing the biofilm created by staph bacteria, removing demodex scurf and exfoliating the eyelid.

The patented micro-sponge is disposable. The procedure lasts 6-8 minutes. Most patients report a tickling sensation. A numbing drop is usually placed in each eye prior to treatment for increased comfort. After the procedure, the patient is given instructions on how to maintain their clean eyelids with regular nightly lid hygiene. Since home treatments are only semi-effective, the procedure is typically repeated at 4–6-month intervals.